The Convoy is Over, So What Now?

In the past weeks we have watched and admired the bravery of the Freedom Truckers in Canada. They executed a textbook example of what peaceful protest looks like. The Convoy laid out a realistic set of demands. They attempted to Peacefully assemble, then petition their government for a redress of legitimate grievances.


Instead of meeting with the leaders of the Caravan the PM proceeded to enact policies reserved for terrorists. They then arrested the leaders of the Convoy, followed by the Truckers. Accounts were frozen, trucks impounded, bank accounts frozen and people were beaten in the streets.


Nothing in the world happens in a vacuum chamber. Everyone is watching and taking notes. While we were arresting people and throwing them in jail for years without a trial for a protest at our Capital people were watching. They saw how nothing really happened and then learned from that.


What happened in Canada also was being watched. Nobody in our Gov said a thing about it. The news barely reports it. Pelosi is already putting up fencing around our Capital for a second time. They are already laying the groundwork to make any protest here appear something more than what it really is.


If you can make a group of people appear to be evil, then you can marginalize their cause. Once you vilify this group. then you can take any action against them. None of which will be opposed by a large percent of the population.


Our Truckers are planning to stand with their brothers North in Solidarity. I admire them and if I had I truck I would probably be right there with them. However, we need to realize that our government has been taking in all this information. Like a computer garbage in means garbage out. If our truckers go to DC, our government will make the crackdown in Canada look like a party.