Principles and Character in Leadership

Biden’s refusal to answer certain questions is reflective of his character as a leader and it foreshadows what he will do if he is elected President.

Leaders will say what they mean and do what they say. They take positions and they stick to them. You might not like the decisions a specific politician makes but that if they take no position how can you decide that? If they constantly change their positions, then how do you know what really matters to them?

The inability to pick policies and stick to them is the mark of a principled, strong and confident leader. You can hate Donald Trump, or you can love him that is your choice. You might have many reasons for that position that even a Trump supporter might be able to relate to. One thing you can not say about Trump is that he does not have a core set of principles that he ran on, was elected on and continues to campaign on.

The most recent example of Joe Biden not answering questions that matter is this Court Packing issue. So, what exactly is Court Packing? I am going to be honest here because I think the concept is lost on most Americans. I believe most Americans do not follow Politics or understand Civics enough to know what this concept is. I do not think most grasp what the Courts impact on the Republic is.

Most say they understand separation of powers but cannot even name all 3 branches of government. Not understanding is really a product of the fact that we do not teach proper Civics, or History for that matter anymore. However, that is an entire blog post all by itself.

We are going down the rabbit hole here so back to what this packing thing is. It means that congress would pass a bill increasing the number of total justices. Then the sitting President would have however many vacancies, and they would fill them. In short terms the sitting President would “Pack the court” with justices who have the same political beliefs as they do. It is basically taking the majority by brute force vice by winning, and earning the majority through due process.

A justice’s political belief or affiliation is not supposed to matter. The hand of justice is supposed to be impartial and not take sides. When a judge puts their robe on, they are supposed to become that even hand of justice and throw away personal belief or bias. However, we know that is not true in some cases. The heated debate over who gets to seat judges which is going on right now should make that clear. If Democrats believed any of this, they would not be against ACB’s nomination. You can make our own conclusions about that.

The court has been 9 justices for since 1869. Changing this number has only been up for debate one single time since. This was when FDR considered it in 1937. This did not happen because even his own party realized how dangerous it was, how bad it would be for the Republic.

Why is it dangerous you might ask? It’s dangerous for many reasons but let’s go with a couple obvious ones. First, it is basically cheating in order to pull a majority. It politicizes the court because it removes the concept of even-handed justice. This is basically usurping the power of the other branches of congress.

Every time a new president is elected, and has a majority in the Senate, they will just increase the number of justices in their favor. Then use the court to get things done that they otherwise could not get done in Congress. They would use the court to create law by decision instead of in Congress. Creating law is hard. Getting what you want in the court is sometimes easier than the hard work required pass bills into law.

So now in brief terms it should be clear what this term means. You can draw your own conclusions on how it would impact your life. You can also decide for yourself how important it is for Joe Biden to answer this question.

However, let us say we believe this packing is bad and would have a great impact on our country. So, with all that said I ask you this question. What does it say when Joe Biden will not answer this question before you go and vote? Remember people are already voting. Granted, Joe Biden is not going to do this alone. It requires Congress to act on it, but Joe Biden is the leader of his party.

The leader sets the tone for the rest of the party. The party will follow his lead. If he says I am for this, you can bet they will try it given the chance. If he says I am not, then maybe they will not be so anxious, or will they?

I will argue that Joe Biden’s refusal to take a principled stand on this now says the following about him. Mind you, he is already on record many times in his career being against this.

  • Joe Biden is weak and will say anything to get elected because he does not have a core set of beliefs, he is brave enough to articulate and stand behind.
  • Joe Biden is afraid to stand by his previously stated opinion because the left of his party is manipulating him, controlling him.
  • A man who is this easily manipulated can never be trusted, should never be trusted.
  • A man like this is a follower not a leader, and a follower should never run a country
  • A follower cannot negotiate on the countries behalf because they will never stick to anything.
  • A follower can and will change their mind at any time based on any number of things not least of which might be what is popular.


I ask you this..

If Joe Biden will not stand up to his own party which he supposedly leads, then do you think he will stand up to a dictator and do what is in your best interest? Don’t you think that we deserve to know what he thinks about this now instead of when it is too late?

