Do I Believe Democrats Could Have Cheated?

Like everyone else I have been trying to process what has happened. It’s hard to really rationalize the idea that Trump may lose and not be inaugurated in January. Considering this idea makes me wonder what exactly does that mean if your a Trump supporter?

The left has spent the better part of 4 years saying that Trump was never the legitimate President. He was called a racist, white supremacist, homophobe, misogynist, fascist, Hitler, stupid, fat, a liar, a traitor, and more. When they weren’t making fun of him, or calling him illegitimate they were busy trying to remove him by force.

This started before he even took office by surveilling his campaign. Then there was Russia collusion, a failed impeachment attempt, and more. The list goes on and on. This man has not had one single free minute to do the job he was put there to do. Imagine if he had been given a fair shake to do his job how much he could have achieved. Imagine if he at least was treated like other Republicans before him, such as George W. Bush. No single President has been under constant scrutiny and attack like this one in modern times.

The left painted him not just as a man they do not agree with. They spent 4 years telling America that Trump and anyone who would dare to support him should be shunned from society. To like Trump, is to be a little less human than the rest of us. If you support Trump you are evil. If you support Trump you are no better than a white hood wearing KKK member. Because when they call Trump all of these things, it means that by default his supporters are too.

When a person thinks you are that evil then it justifies any action against you. This means physical harm, because nothing is out of bounds. Think about this, men fight wars because they believe they are there to eradicate evil. The left believes you are evil, so the ends justifies the means.

Trump is not any of the things they called him. Trump supporters are none of those things. Stop and think just for a minute, are Trump supporters the ones telling America think like us or else? Are we saying, if you don’t agree with me then you are less than human?

Who are the ones that beat people, just because they have a different point of view? Who are the ones on the street burning cities, destroying and robbing businesses? Why did cities board up their stores when it was assumed that Trump would win, then remove them as soon as it looked like he had not? Which side is the one making lists of people who do not agree with them so that they can be targeted later?





These are the actions of dictators, and I don’t say it like they do just to be provacative. I mean it seriously, and there is no evidence that contradicts that thought. Don’t believe me then consider the media. Consider their position in all of this, then consider how the media acts in Communist countries ruled by actual dictators. The media is controlled by the party of the dictator in such a country. In this country it’s controlled by the Democrats. Our media is no longer fair and free. For all of the hate from the left toward Fox News over the years, even they are no longer Fair and Balanced. That is a dangerous situation for our Republic.

So hell yes I think they would cheat…

If you believe your opponent is evil then cheating is not a choice, it becomes your duty.

Prove me wrong, and that is all I have to say about that.