Independent – I Call BS!

More and more I encounter people who like to call themselves independent. I listen to the news, and all you hear about is that these mysterious independents will decide the election! All of the candidates seem to make all their decisions surrounding what these so called independents will want. What do these independents think, and what will sway some independent votes?

I have to say this independent concept seems to confuse me. If I am being honest, I have to call bull on this whole entire independent concept. Who really are these independents? Can you seriously tell me with a straight face that you can’t decide between the parties? Let’s for a minute pretend reality is not what it is, then entertain the idea that there are folks who are undecided. The first thing that comes to my mind is why?

Call me crazy, but as far as I am concerned, anyone who tells you they are still making up their mind is lying to you. I might be totally off the mark, but I think folks just like the attention. I think it makes people feel more important, just a little smarter then the rest of folks.

I am being serious about my decision!

In reality let’s all be honest with each other. People like the perceived power of feeling important. They enjoy the feeling of being courted by the politicians. At the end of the day, nobody is neutral anymore.  I would respect you more if you were honest about the situation. Man, or Women up and pick a side.

Come on and let’s get back to reality. Are you really going to say one day you are for partial birth abortion, but on any given Sunday you might be pro life? Can you really sit and tell me you can’t decide between open borders, and securing the border? Pro second amendment, or gun control. How about Capitalism versus Socialism?

I am not talking about specific people here. I get it a lot of you hate Trump, but take him out of the equation, just boil it down to policies and parties. Go down the list of things each side stands for and you can’t tell me you’re on the fence about where you sit.

The difference is black and white. One side wants to control you by making you rely on them for everything. Nothing is free, no matter what anyone tells you. Everything you get is paid for by somebody, somewhere, somehow. Your not getting all these free things and there is no cost, and I don’t just mean through taxing the other guy. What I mean is you pay with your freedom. If you rely on government for everything then you are no longer independent, no longer in control of your own life or destiny.

The guise is that they want to provide for the people. They are humanitarians, improving life for the better. They are fighting for the underdogs, or any group that might conceive themselves to be oppressed.

This is the bait and switch, because they want you to believe they are rescuing you from oppression, when in fact they are delivering you to it. They don’t care about you, immigrants, this set of people or that. They just want your vote and they want to control you. They want power, end or story full stop.

Even if everything I just said is not true. It’s mathematically impossible to give away all this free stuff and make the so called rich pay for it. At some point you run out of other people’s money, When that happens everyone’s F’ed.

I am not going to go over everything the other side is about, except to say I choose to be free and and I want to control my own destiny. This is what America is supposed to be about.

One last thing to nibble on.

The first thing that must be done to oppress and control a people, is to take away their ability to protect themselves. Which side is for gun control again? What side wants to take guns from law abiding citizens, when they know criminals do not follow laws. Well I will tell you right now, I am not on that side nor ever will be. Semper Fidelis copish?