The Republicans are now and forever forward the party of Trump. As such they have been forever changed. Trump has taught Republicans a very powerful lesson that they can, and should take with them into the future. What is this mysterious lesson you ask?
Trump has taught Republicans how, when and why to fight. Most importantly he showed them the importance of sticking together.
These are all lessons that Democrats learned long ago, and up till now is what made them such a formidable opponent. When Republicans speak about Democrats we have always said they are good people with bad ideas. However, when Democrats speak of Republicans, they believe we are bad people with evil ideas. They believe we are bad because we believe the things we do.
The above reason is why they never, ever break ranks. They stick together like glue, and will lead each other right off the highest cliff. Democrats do not see Politics as a battle of ideas. They don’t see us as good people, they actually think we are evil. Because they think this way it gives them carte blanche to use any and all tactics. Playing fair is not an option, because the end justifies the means. The journey is meaningless, as long as they get where they intend to go.
Trump understands this, that is why he is always on the offensive. He never backs down, and if you become the enemy there is no mercy. He knows that just as you can’t reason with a terrorist, you cannot reason with the Democrats. At least not the current Democrat party. There is no means they will not go to get what they want, and what they want is power. If you doubt what I am saying, then just look at what they have done to Trump. Look at what they were willing to do, in order to get him removed from office. Then ask yourself why? Let me tell you right now, it has nothing to do with the Constitution or what is right for the country.
All things said, this impeachment and the Trump presidency in general have not only been good for the Republican Party but have strengthened it. The party has never been more United. The party for the first time in as long as I can remember is fighting back, and not only defending Trump but themselves. No longer are we the the Republican Party of appeasement. No longer are we operating under the illusion, that if you just be nice they will leave you alone. Democrats will never be nice, never back off and never stop till they win. When the opponent is willing to go down into the gutter, you need to be willing to go right down in that gutter with them to defeat them. Understand something about them, they are willing to take down their own, just as easily as they will take you down. Stand in their way and you will be targeted for destruction. If you don’t believe that then just look at Bernie Sanders.
These are the things that will be part of Trumps legacy among others. Years from now people will look back. People will realize Trump saved Republicans, and possibly our Republic from turning down a point of no return.
I think the Republicans already understand this. All Republicans that is except Mitt Romney.