There is a scene in Band of Brothers. The Army Rangers are trying to attack the enemy across this huge field. At the back of this field is a barn, and in the rafters of this barn there is a sniper. The Rangers are pinned down. The officer in charge is frozen in fear by the horror of battle. His men are being slaughtered as he cowers in the rear, not acting or directing his men.
The men are yelling at him to act or tell them what to do. The commanding officer is in the rear with the rest of the forces observing this. There is a Lieutenant standing next to him who he knows the men trust and respect. He at that moment realizes that he chose the wrong man to lead this charge. He orders the Lieutenant onto the field to relieve the frozen leader and to take charge of the field.
The Lieutenant without thinking charges right onto the field. Bullets flying, chaos everywhere. Zero fear and no thought to himself. His only focus is on leading his men. His goal is to win and defeat the enemy.
He stops only briefly to inform the frozen leader that he was now in charge and that he was relieving him of duty. Then he continues right to the front of the lines. Directing his men to safe firing positions along the way.
He works his way to the very front where one of his men has a grenade launcher. He directs him to fire on the roof of this barn and take out the sniper. He does not see the sniper, but he makes this split decision from what he knows about battle, from experience and from what he was taught by his teachers. He knows that this sniper will be in that rooftop. Once the sniper is taken down the Rangers advance on the field and win this battle.
As voters we are the Commanding officer. The frozen leader is Joe Biden, and the Lieutenant is Trump. Bad leaders are not the ones who make bad choices. Bad leaders are the ones who make no choices. In the story the Commanding officer and the Lieutenant are good leaders.
The Commanding Officer is a good leader because he realizes his mistake and corrects it with humility. The Lieutenant is a good leader because he leads his men from the front. He takes calculated risks at the expense of his own safety to get his men to safety and to direct them forward. When the men are led from the front and they see the sacrifice of the Lieutenant it gives them hope. They get emboldened to move forward. They push their fear to the side and achieve the goal. They know their leader is not asking them to do anything he will not do himself.
This is TRUMP…