The term “fascist” is thrown around quite frequently by the Liberal Democrats. I think the using the term Liberal to describe them is actually laughable.
Willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.
Who are we even kidding? Liberals profess to be inclusive. They pretend to respect difference of opinion. I call BS, because what they really mean is that they respect opinions as long as you agree with them. if you dare not to agree with them they will destroy you, ruin you, shun you from society.
Don’t believe me? I will give you an example and you can decide for yourself. Alan Dershowitz is a Democrat but he is also a lawyer. Lawyers are supposed to believe that all accused are entitled to a proper defense. It’s obvious he believes that and he proved it by joining President Trump’s legal defense.
The left immediately began their campaign to destroy, mock and belittle him. By all measurable standards this man is a Liberal himself. By his own admission he didn’t even vote for Trump. He probably doesn’t even like Trump. Yet, he is being eaten by his own as the left has released the proverbial Kraken on him.
It’s scary when you are dealing with a group of people that are so unable to accept beliefs different than their own that they are willing to fire inside the tent. They will ruin somebody even if they are from their own team.
Just turn on the TV this week and you can listen to media calling him stupid, mocking him, calling him a fascist, being compared to Hitler. It’s quite honestly disgusting but more than that it’s frightening.
They call Conservatives dangerous but who are the ones storming the streets with their faces covered, wrecking stores, beating people on the streets and generally upending communities again?
What was that Liberal group called again? OOH right ANTIFA. Wait, what does it stand for? Anti Fascist, what a joke.
This is a strategic tactic to suppress ideas different from their own. They want you to be afraid to express or articulate any ideas that counter theirs. Its about control, and power. Socialism is about control and power. Liberals are about control and power. The Democrats are about control and power.
Who, should be compared to Hitler someone remind me? Who are the fascists again?