Grow up and Lose with Honor

If you’ve been keeping score for the past months, we heard a lot of talk about what is fair. America deserves a fair trial, fair this and fair that. Nobody owes America anything when it comes to a fair proceeding during the impeachment trial. The House isn’t owed any fairness. The Senate isn’t owed any fairness. The only person owed anything is Trump. We all owe Trump a fair trial.

Understand that fair to the accused be it Trump, or any other person is a very clear and simple thing. Fair means that his defense does it’s level best, to give him every chance to be acquitted. It doesn’t mean anything more, or anything less.

Fair doesn’t mean the Senate has any obligation to do, what the House could not or would not. They do not have any obligation to hear  witnesses, when the House did not. Litigation is common in situations like this. It was the job of the house to do their level best. You know, to perform a proper and complete investigation. If we are all being honest, the accused is owed a thorough investigation. Thorough means you allow all evidence, both exculpatory and convicting. You don’t just give up on a subpoena, because Bolton threatens to sue you. He has that right. If you want to compel him, then you proceed through the courts. You don’t get to cry after you, as McConnel would say.

Turn in a shoddy piece of work.

Plainly speaking, the fact that this sham is going on in the first place is anything but fair. Fair, would mean a good President wasn’t being harassed for his entire term. Fair would mean he would never have been snooped on, by the prior administration. Fair would mean there would never have been a special council. Looking for a non existent connection to Russia, was not fair. If any of this was fair, Trump would be acknowledged for taking down 2 top terrorists. Instead, he was heckled and criticized. It goes on, and on..

Clearly this sham should not be going on. I think it’s rich that we have to sit and listen to Democrats cry about what is fair. They basically conducted  a star chamber. They accused Trump of doing something what is not even a crime. Now they want to start being fair? I think it’s hilarious that they want to remove our President from office. Joe Biden is on camera not only admitting to, but bragging about worse.

Here we are though, and if your a Conservative you have been watching this thing play out for weeks. Sitting patiently but infuriated, waiting for it to end. It all came to a head last night, when the Senate finally decided to take the vote we have all been waiting for. 49 to 51 in favor of not hearing witnesses. For all intents and purposes this thing is over. Trump is not going to be removed. It takes more than just an up or down vote to remove him. They didn’t even get a simple majority to ask for witnesses. Whatever happens from here on in, is just going through the motions. The result is a foregone conclusion.

You know the old thing you’ve got to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them? Sometimes throwing in the towel while bowing down gracefully shows class, and earns you respect. If you can’t win and you know it, then the only thing to do is lose with grace.

  • Let me explain what losing with grace is not:
    • It’s not going on camera to call the Senate trial illegitimate.
    • You don’t go on camera to say that the Presidents acquittal is not valid, because you didn’t get your way.
    • You don’t go on camera to say that the Defense should all be disbarred for doing a good job.
    • You don’t refuse to come to an agreement on taking final votes.
      (In order to make sure the trial is still going on during SOTU.)
    • Forcing votes on subpoenas that will never be delivered, because the witness vote failed already is spiteful.
    • You don’t laugh about removing the President
    • You don’t pretend to feel bad, while gloating and rubbing it in his face.

You get the drift?

Trump will be acquitted but he will always have been impeached that never goes a way.

No Actually acquittal means your impeachment is rejected, was never valid and should never have happened in the first place Nancy.


One closing thought:

The Senate did you a favor because if witnesses were called, the parade would have gone on for days. The Defense would have rubbed your Democrat faces in it for months. While they paraded Hunter, Joe, and every single other witness, to testify under proper scrutiny. Yes even the ones half heartedly called in the House. Months would pass, but in the end the outcome would be the same.

You would still lose…


So from the bottom of every Republican heart I say, your welcome Democrats and you owe us one.